Tagged "BSO"


Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) mimics the foraging behavior of ants and is a popular optimization algorithm in computational science. Ants use pheromone trails to find the shortest route from the nest to the food source, with pheromones generally accumulating faster on shorter routes, which in turn attract more ants. The routes are constantly optimized until an efficient route is found. ACO has been widely used to construct psychometrically sound and efficient short scales (Schroeders et al.

Bee Swarm Optimization (BSO)

“Bees are amazing, little creatures” (Richardson, 2017) – I agree. Bees have fascinated people since time immemorial, and yet even today there are still novel and fascinating discoveries (see the PLOS collection for some mind-boggling facts). Although bees as an insect species might seem as the prime example of state-building insects, highly social forms of community are the exception among bees. The large majority of all bee species are solitary bees or cuckoo bees that do not form insect states.